Thursday 16 December 2010

Home 1 week in...

Home now... Its cold.

Sri Lanka ended up drying my funds up so I checked my money and jumped on the next plane home. Quite a spontaneous move but its worked out pretty well. Landed in London to have a new Job starting the next week.

In the last 10days of the trip I moved about. Once the guys left me I also packed my bags up and jumped in a tuktuk to the beach town of Hikkaduwa... and two nights later left on the train for Kandy via Colombo as it was way to busy and full of tourists.

The train ride was one in a million, constantly climbing and ducking in and out of hills and mountains as you travel from Colombo Fort to Kandy.
Spent a night and Kandy to move on to a week of seeing the sights the hill country in Lanka had to offer... weather changed alot, got a lot cooler and wetter... but saw some amazing sights and had some memorable experiences in a tuktuk.

Ended back in Kandy after Sigiriya, Polonnaruwa and somewhere els... Kandy was wet and cold. and I was bored with my own company and skint... so I came home. And here I am

One week back and im sitting here at my new job. (on a break)... at the Instow Arms

Trying to piece together a Portfolio as i am now planning, after way to much thinking, of applying to Uni again to start fresh on a new course... Graphics?